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The organisational structure of the Research Institute for National Strategy

The Research Institute for National Strategy is a central office under the direction of the Prime Minister's Office. The Institute is headed by a president, who acts under his legal remit. The president is accountable to the minister heading the Prime Minister's Office for the performance of his activities. The president directly controls the activity of the vice-president and the directors of the independent organisational units. Under his guidance, an internal auditor operates in a functionally separated manner.

The vice-president is the general deputy of the head of the Institute. The vice-president controls the activity of the director of the Research, Strategy and Coordination Directorate. He reviews and supervises the implementation of tasks related to management and operation, and those laid down in legislation, normative provisions, work plans and the prime minister’s decisions.

The Research, Strategy and Coordination Directorate is the Institute’s professional organisation with the legal status of a department. The Directorate primarily organises research and assessment tasks while promoting the conscious strengthening of public awareness of the vision-guided national strategy, devising an assessment and monitoring system for national strategic planning, and coordinating certain key professional areas (sustainable countryside and villages, revitalising Carpathian Basin tourism and local business development, new growth and spiritual renewal, safeguarding national values). The Directorate plays a leading role in finding Hungarian and national answers to national strategic and national integration issues and in preparing the requisite material for drafting proposals, supporting decisions and compiling background materials.

The National Integration and Carpathian Basin Network Development Directorate is also a professional organisational unit with the legal status of a department and its main profile is to create and operate a vision-oriented, coordinated development system for national integration. Its activity focuses on initiating coherent Carpathian Basin systems, networks and projects, and creating the conditions required for cooperation, planning and funding. The interconnecting pillars of the Carpathian Homeland Development System are developing human resources, agricultural and rural development, and sustainable energy management.

The work of the president is aided by the President’s Office and the Coordination Department. The responsibilities of the head of the President’s Office include the Institute’s communication and press relations.

Duties related to legal matters and human resource management are performed by the Legal and Human Resource Management Directorate, which also has department status. The organisational structure and the responsibilities of the organisational units are described in the Internal Rules.

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