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The activity of the National Integration and Carpathian Basin Network Development Directorate

The Directorate is responsible for the creation and operation of a vision-oriented, coordinated development system for national integration (Carpathian Homeland Development Network). Its activity focuses on initiatives interconnecting Carpathian Basin systems and projects, and creating the conditions for cooperation, planning and funding. An important task of the Directorate is the professional coordination of the utilisation of European Union development funds for the aforementioned purpose.

The interconnecting pillars of the integrated development system for national unification are developing human resources, agricultural and rural development, and sustainable energy management.

The Directorate drafts proposals for measures and projects for the operational programmes of the European Union’s development period 2014-2020; participates in coordination processes; and makes proposals for the European Territorial Cooperation programmes and to aid efficient access to direct development funds from Brussels which strengthen national integration. It creates networks within the Carpathian Basin, and launches programmes and series of projects at a regional level.

Professional Activity
Research, Strategy and Coordination Directorate
National Integration and Carpathian Basin Network Development Directorate
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